You might have already seen this but I think it is pretty funny stuff. What do you get when you take the worst football school from SC and put them up against the worst football school in the state of Georgia. The ACC Championship game.
Since 2005, LOHD has worked to bring you all the Gamecocks sports info you need concerning THE University of South Carolina while mixing in the occasional tailgating story along the way or other mindless pieces of information. The LOHD blog is your independent source for Gamecock news.
i would soooo buy several of those. do you have a link?
I think it is just a photo-shopped shirt, I wish there was a link. If I find a link I will post it. -
We might be making some shirts that say
1st in the ACC, 2nd in the State
-General Malaise
love it. if you guys make shirts please post the link.
you know, there's also gotta be a joke about spiller probably not getting the heisman now . . . something about not crying over spillered milk . . . or something. i dont know why but that kinda strikes me as funny.
I love it...
Dawg fans and Gamecocks can agree on one thing! The best of the ACC can't stack up against middle of the road SEC teams!
I seriously would buy those shirts if I could find them. Though I think it might be copyright infringement so it would be difficult.
wow such a nice collection of Sports T-Shirts.
I'm Lovng It
I have more colletion
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