Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What is in a name?

This is a little news of the "strange"....A couple in Sweden has named their daughter Metallica. “It suits her,” says Karolina Tomaro, 27, the child’s mother.

Metallica has been baptized, but the Swedish National Tax Board refused to register the name, saying it was associated with both the rock group and the word “metal.”

What kind of country lets the government approve or reject names? Sweden.

In Sweden, parents must get their children’s names approved by the tax office, which is in charge of population registry and personal ID numbers, kind of like Social Security numbers. (AP)

First it is odd that they want to name their kid this but what is really strange is Sweden must approve the name of you child.....Thoughts?


Anonymous said...


ha would never pass...
little metallica poor girl

Anonymous said...

What about Megadeath or Iron Madian