Friday, August 25, 2006

with a little help from a friend

I decided to help my good friend Matt, by writing a letter of recommendation for him. Since he prefers not to have a job but from time to time will need one I figured he could probably use this some time.

Dear House of Waffle,

Please hire my friend Matt aka Penny, aka Johnny Damon, aka Pickles etc. He has a lot of quality skills that will make him an excellent short order cook at your fine dinning restaurant. Granted his work experience is limited, but the jobs he has had, he has excelled at. Take for example Bartending, he once got me so drunk I passed out and threw up all over an old friend’s house. Another good example is the time he took us fishing and poor Tick got see sea sick and scared all the fish away. He has bartended at some of the nicest places in Columbia, such as the Rosters den and Capital Wings. He enjoys the smell of grease and hair nets as well as flood restrooms and long hours. If you need any other info about my friend Matt aka UGA fat chick hunter, please contact me at the 1st independent southern reformed Mormon gospel Temp agency @ 803-917-5555. Just ask for Hoot.


Anonymous said...

Remind me not to ask you for a recommendation! And, congrats Penny on becoming a short-order cook. That will come in handy in the future!

Anonymous said...

dear matt...I like mine covered and smothered....and the good part is you will know all the thousands of ways to cook hashbrowns...

penny said...

i just reposted this on and already had the trump call me to be on 'the apprentice'

Moose said...

I should have included some info about Peach's the waiter @ Waffle house that opened Pennies eyes to the world of short order cooking. She was a failed actress of sorts that some how ended up working @ the waffle house in West Cola, on her way to Hollywood.