I don’t really have much to write about today but there are a few stories that I have heard relating to college athletics that I would like to bring up. The first story comes from our own gamecock nation. It seems our former Defensive end Moe Thompson is suing the university because of the way he is dismissed from the university. Also suing because he was not helped with academics because he has a reading and verbal disability. The only disability I see is that he is a thug for a lack of a better racial term. If you can’t read or talk, how the hell did you get into college, or out of high school? I know we live in the south and an education is 2nd behind football, which I am fine with. But when you screw up your life by stealing and then come back and want money for this. There is something wrong.
Then other story I heard was about Kentucky’s basketball program and myspace.com. For the past 2 years text messaging has been the big recruiting tool that every coach has been using. Even our own Gary Grey has de-committed because Charlie Weiss has been text messaging him every day since he signed (which is a totally different blog). Well this rising high school senior in WV has been getting recruiting post from UK students involving college girls and naked pictures trying to influence him to play at Uk. Will myspace.com be the new recruiting tool, granted this player is under 18 and is receiving naked pictures, which seems to be morally wrong as well?
I would like some feed back on how the NCAA can be cleaned up. Some say a early signing period in football would help with recruiting violations as well as maybe a commissioner for each college sport that can rule on violations instead of leaving it up to the NCAA as a whole.