So I go to get breakfast yesterday, which I always bring food to work so it was kind of a special occasion. Well the two chubby kids at work were heading to Café Paradise so I figured I would tag along. I had never been to café Paradise but I figured if the two portly fellows eat there all the time so it has to be good.
Well as I walk in to the café I notice a blind lady (dark sunglasses and a walking stick) sitting beside the register, so I am ordering and then this happens.
Me: I will have a sausage and egg sandwich
Cashier: that will be 2 dollars, and I will bring it to you in a minute
Me” thanks
Blind lady: sir, could you hand me a menu
Me: sure, not seeing a menu other then the one on the wall, I just handed her a comment card that was sitting beside the cash register. Figuring she was blind any way.
Blind lady: This isn’t a menu
Me” whoops
Blind lady: this is a comment card, the menu’s are on the other side of the register.
I truly believe this lady was setting me up just to see how big a jerk I could be, and of course she won this round, but the next time I see her crossing the street with her dark glasses and walking stick, it is going to be on.