Now this begs to question is this thee fault of Odom, the team, the facilities / school or the program as a whole?
I have to lay the blame at Odom's feet. I know, those that know me know that I have been a Odom fan now and before his tenure at USC. He is a great coach beyond basketball skills and runs a good program. His major flaw and has always been is that he would rather recruit under the radar to find the "next Tim Duncan." While that works once every 10 years (if that) and can do good things for the program (see Wake Forest), it should not be the 'gold standard' for your recruiting philosophy. I think my patience is running thin for Mr. Odom. This blog has written before that this 07-08 season is the make or break year for Odom. If the fan base does not see drastic improvements then I think a pink slip is deserving for Mr. Odom. Yeah Yeah, we have 2 NIT trophies but that is like saying we won the losers playoff bracket in fantasy basketball.
What do you guys think? Seriously, even Clemson got 3 people in the Top 40 to say they have interest in the program (not a commitment simply interest).