Well the New Year’s weekend started out pretty bad with our Gamecocks flopping in the Independence Bowl. After jumping out to a 21 point lead, they decided to get donkey punched in the second half. Not sure how it happened because I decided to pound more and more alcohol as Blake Mitchell decided to ruin our 2005 season. But after drinking during the game, I was ready to drive to Charleston to start the New Years Celebration on the beach.
This year we decided to spend the New Years Eve celebration at the Charleston Aquarium. I highly recommend for next year if you will be in the Charleston area. The two floors of the aquarium were packed with open bars and buffet lines. Them menu consisted of shrimp and grits, crab cakes, tangerine meat balls and a chocolate fountain. The live band was some 70’s funk band that never seemed to be playing when I was downstairs trying to find the bathrooms.
My only complaints were, there were not enough fish for it to be called an aquarium, two piranhas and a 100 year old shark don’t count, and why can’t you distribute the champagne upstairs as well as downstairs. Damn Dev couldn’t find the champagne so I had to share mine with his drunken ass. But over all it was a really good time and I can see the group doing it again next year. Updates of pictures and more stores from the weekend will follow.