Friday, June 01, 2007

Happy Doughnut Day...

In celebration of National Doughnut Day on Friday, June 1, participating Krispy Kreme stores will offer customers a free doughnut of their choice. Happy Hour at Krispy Kreme anyone?

This annual event invites Krispy Kreme fans to enjoy a free doughnut as a thank you for their continued support.

National Doughnut Day was established in 1938 by the Chicago Salvation Army to raise much-needed funds during the Great Depression and to honor the work of World War I Salvation Army volunteers who prepared doughnuts for thousands of soldiers. National Doughnut Day is celebrated annually on the first Friday in June.

Happy Doughnut Day from the LOHD!


Anonymous said...

I love LOHD like a fat kid loves krispy kreme doughnutz...

today is a great day, I have been to every krispy kreme in the area...they have yet to catch on to my plan.

Anonymous said...

I told all the fat guys at work. They were very excited