Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Rumor Mill---Dabo fires Vic Koenning/Targets Ellis

Dabo Swinney goes to work as "the man" today and takes care of some house cleaning duties as he gives Vic the pink slip no surprise there but the rumor is Dabo has talked to Ellis Johnson about the opening but I call bullsh*t on that. No way Ellis leaves Carolina for this gig. Why would he? He has a solid defense and got a fat contract. I think the UT former DC John Chavis is a better fit.


Anonymous said...

I'd hate to see him go, but I don't think it's out of the question. He's friends with Dabo, he's already coached one tour up there, and it allows him to stay instate to keep his reitrement. Plus, I doubt Clemson can't match whatever we're paying him. If he does go, I hope our contract is strong enough to force Clemson to pay us for him.

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't surprise me too much if he left if Clemson is willing to shell out the dough. However, I also think Chavis is a likely target for those guys.

Anonymous said...

former UT DC John Chavis is set to interview on Thursday at Clemson.