Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Don't mess with me

While drinking in charlotte last Friday night, we ran into a brushed up Ric Flair. Granted 10 drunk guys yelling at a ex-professional wrestler is always a good time. Just ask anybody who has ever since Mr. Flair at a Gamecock football game.

To shed some light on why Ric Flair was wearing a nice black eye on Friday, he got into a fist fight with his daughter’s boyfriend in Chapel Hill. The story goes that Ric Daughter’s (Ashley Elizabeth Fliehr) boyfriend ruffed her up, so the good father that he is, went up to Chapel Hill and took care of business. If you happen to see Ric on Saturday at the UGA game, I am sure he will tell you the story if you ask. Just don’t ask him about what he thought of the Vandy game, he about blackened my eye for even bringing it up on Friday night. Luckily I was able to smooth over the situation by giving him JR’s gamecock koozie. In return JR freaking bit me, like a rabid dog, or in some peoples cases a rabid stripper.


Moose said...

I think looking back it was a black koozie. I would have rather taken a punch from Ric, then a bit on the back of the arm.

Anonymous said...

That bruise looks more like the mark of a stripper