Friday, March 31, 2006

Fruit of the Loom alert

I have a missing sock; it has been traveling in my car for the past 3 weeks. I know that it is scared and cold; it misses the nasty feet that it protected for its entire life. Would the owner please call 1-803-555-7781 to find out how we can return this missing sock. It has gone almost three weeks with out the funk of its owner’s feet.

I know you can’t have more the two pairs of socks, if you would like a single sock you left in my car three weeks ago after golf please call and I will send it with someone on there way to Charleston.

Stay tuned for the story of the other sock, which is some where in west Columbia near Murray’s family bar.


Dev said...

my left foot is pretty cold..

Moose said...

send me $1.25 and I will mail it back to you, not so much a ransom, more of a finders fee.

*jcg said...

(side note: LJ, beautiful picture of your wife in the paper Sunday!)